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Page history last edited by Mike Games 14 years, 9 months ago



(800) 388-KING (5464)

See below for USCF gift cirtificates !! 

1. 10 basic chess sets (for the school) to be stored and used onsite by club players during meetings.


* 20" x 20" vinyl boards with 2-1/4" squares and Algebraic Notation on all sides

* Durable plastic Staunton-designed set with 3.75" King Height and Single Weighted

* Choice of colors for bag and board = Forrest Green

* Exceeds all tournament requirements


Option 1 (storage bag) - 10 combo chess sets ($79.50 for 10)


Basic Piece Bag Combo Set -- Board, Basic Pieces and Piece Bag included


$7.95 per set includes:  8.5" x 6.5" vinyl bag easy-to-open/close zippered pouch to store chess pieces - catalog # COMBO2



Option 2 (no storage bag) - 10 individual pieces and 10 individual boards (($6.98 per set = $69.80 for 10)


Regulation Chess Pieces - 3.75 inch King

$4.09 per set - 10 sets of regulation chess pieces (single weighted) - catalog # MENREGU1 ($40.90 for 10)


Standard Vinyl Roll-up Board with 2.25 inch Squares

$2.89 per board - 10 vinyl rollup boards (forrest green) - catalog # BRDV225 ($28.90 for 10)



2. Instructional media - books and DVDs - for beginners and intermediate players to borrow.

     List will be created.  Average cost is generally about $15.00 per book/DVD

     WISH to provide to each player one ($14.95) chess text book:  Everything Chess Basics Book

     For additional media see - Instructional Material and Links


3. Demonstration board - $21.00 - catalog # DEMO0006

     Slotted Style Vinyl Demo Board 28 inch with Deluxe Carrying Bag


4. Clock(s) - $27.95 - catalog # CLK0006D - one or two (to start) for the club

     Saitek Competition Digital Chess Clock


USCF GIFT CERTIFICATES - $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, & $500




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